Leicester Time to Change invites you to
celebrate mental health awareness week with the best of people from Leicester
and Leicestershire. A range of bands, singers and comedians will be performing.
Come and have fun! Free event, donations welcome on the day. Free food s
. . . read more
WHERE?: The Exchange, 50 Rutland Street,
The Comedy Asylum Gig at the Exchange -
Starts at 7pm. .Join us for an evening of laughs with performances from the
Comedy Asylum stars plus sets from Matt Hollins and Kirsty Munro.
. . . read more
WHERE?: Glenvale Gallery, Bradgate Mental
Health Unit, Leicester, LE3 9EL
IN-VISIBLE VOICES is an exhibition of
painting, drawing and printmaking by members of our homeless community now on
display in the glenvale gallery. . . . read more
‘Open Mic’ Night. With, all the
way from Birmingham City, M/C The Great Raymondo, headline act Jack Britton, and
a plethora of exciting open mic performers this should be a, not to be missed,
night of wonderful entertainment. . . . read more