The artworks in this exhibition were created
by Mental Health Service User Artists facilitated by participatory artist Jo
Sheppard at the ArtSpace group based at The Attenborough Arts Centre in
Leicester. . . . read more
'Empowerment, Celebration &
Self-appreciation' ... Members of the ArtSpace Arts Group and The Showcase
Writer’s Collective worked with participatory artists Emily Crosby and
Lucy Ovenall to create this wonderful collection of visual arts and
corresponding crea . . . read more
BrightSparks Arts in Mental Health are
delighted to launch a new programme to support people through creativity
throughout the lock down.Summary text here will be shown on the news story
lists. . . . read more
Of Sight Out Of Mind Exhibition" - please note the closing date is 31st
July 2020. . .If you would like support with submitting please ring Sallie
Varnum on 07585 602 238 or email
. . . read more
During these difficult times, LPT and
BrightSparks will be inviting people to compile artworks, creative writing,
music, comedy, and anything else artistic.Summary text here will be shown on the
news story lists. . . . read more
Members of the Artspace arts groups worked
with participatory artist Jemma Bagley to create this collection of artwork
inspired by the word 'Pride' and its' various meanings. Unfortunately this
collection is not accessible to the general public at the moment.
. . . read more